Is there a little voice inside your head that tells you that you can’t do hard things? I have that voice too, she’s called Mean Maggie and she is super rude to me during challenging workouts. I talk about this more in my ebook Weightless: How to Lose the Guilt and Heal Your Relationship with Movement ,which you can buy and instantly download here! As I healed my own relationship with movement, I created several mantras to repeat to myself during challenging physical activities so I could build trust in my body! The mantras below helped me hike up mountains, train for a 5K, and overall remind myself that my body is capable of amazing things. I hope these mantras for a challenging plus size workout help you too!
Motivating Mantras for Challenging Plus Size Workouts
I am strong as hell
This is a great mantra to boost yourself when you’re doing weight lifting, body weight strength moves, or even hiking. Feeling and knowing the strength within our bodies, knowing how to engage muscles and feel them working, is so empowering.
This feels uncomfortable but I can keep going
Something that triggered my own movement-induced anxiety attacks (super fun experience you can read more about in my book) was feeling uncomfortable in my body. Anytime I began to feel my muscles burning or my legs shaking, it felt like my body was failing me. And that negative mindset was a self-fulfilling prophecy most of the time. Once I began shifting my thinking to this mantra, I began to trust that my body can do these things and that discomfort doesn’t mean failure, it means growth!
Now uncomfortable doesn’t mean PAIN. If you’re feeling true pain, slow it down. But there is inherently some discomfort if you are trying to build more of something, like more muscle or more stamina. Listen to your body but know that you can trust it as well.
I am stronger than I think I am
I am well aware that my anxious brain lies to me all the time. My brain tells me especially heinous lies about my strength and capabilities. Knowing that I have these blocks, I can combat these thoughts with a simple rebuttal: I am stronger than I think I am. And then I prove it to myself.
I can slow down if anything starts hurting
Can we just give ourselves permission to slow down or walk away if something isn’t serving us?? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told to push myself when my body was telling me to stop. Or how many times I’ve seen people get physically ill because they were pushing themselves so hard. Just the act of reminding yourself that you can slow down or rest without judgement or guilt can be a huge relief.
My body will do this for me
The ultimate body trust mantra. My body will do this for me. Can you step into a movement session or go for a run and say this, honestly? I couldn’t for a long time. Sometimes you have to prove it to yourself before you can truly believe it. But once you do, the world opens up. When you believe your body is capable, you will live that truth.
This was a post all about body trust mantras for challenging plus size workouts! If you are interested in healing your relationship with your body or movement, click here to sign up for upcoming body liberation coaching events and 1:1 coaching opportunities. You can also buy and instantly download my ebook Weightless: How to Lose the Guilt and Heal Your Relationship with Movement for even more mantras and guidance on how to move your body out of kindness.
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