Five or so years ago, I ran a Google search that changed my life. I realized I had a chronic skin condition called hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).
I felt so incredibly alone in my self-diagnosis. I didn’t tell a soul and ignored the painful lumps between my thighs for as long as I could. When the pain became too much to bare, I researched for home remedies and began cutting things out of my diet, which prompted a discussion with my mom.
She told me that both my aunt and my grandmother had the same problem. I couldn’t believe it! All along I thought I was alone in having HS. This conversation inspired me to post my first YouTube video about HS, and then the most marvelous thing happened; even more people I knew told me they also had HS.
After these interactions, I vowed to use my social media presence to spread awareness of HS and start ending the stigma. I’d love for you to check out the article I wrote for Healthline HERE to read the nine most important things I want everyone to know about HS. This is great to share with friends and family if you have HS or to share with someone you know who has HS, and chances are, you do!
P.S. I especially love #7!
This post was sponsored by Healthline, but all opinions are my own.